24 March 2006

Bloody hot flushes!

I’m tired of not being able to enjoy a cup of coffee, “hot” food, a gin and tonic or glass of wine, without going into fully fledged multiple hot flushes and all they entail.

I hate that I can’t even sweep the front verandah or the floors without looking (and feeling) like a freshly cooked beetroot.

I hate sweat oozing out of my scalp, running down my face (or back) and dripping off the end of my nose or my chin. This occurs with the absolute minimum of effort. Mowing the lawn is a virtual impossibility (unless I want inflict upon myself, potentially serious injury) and scrubbing showers and washing floors, well forget it!

The only time I’ve felt cool lately was last week, sitting in the chair at the dentist having root canal work done, with the airconditioning blowing across my legs – I was actually shivering.

Night time? Get hot and sweaty (not from hanky panky), wake up, strip sheet and blanket off, eventually go back to sleep, wake up cool, replace sheet and blanket, eventually go back to sleep Repeat ad infinitum. Will I ever get to enjoy sleeping under a quilt again, let alone just a proper nights sleep?

This morning it was just standing outside watching my boys participate in their sports day. The sun was biting, but fortunately there was a slight breeze. DH said I looked very red in the face. Yes, running and dripping sweat everywhere again. Perhaps I could bottle it...would it be a saleable item though?

Of course it’s not helped at all by the “warmer” than usual weather either, it was 33C today and we’re looking at 34C tomorrow. Roll on winter!

I have a message for anyone looking forward to menopause... “It sucks!!!”

OK, rant over, now back to your regular scheduled programming...

22 March 2004

My surgeon had good news for me today, all the scans were clear YIPPEE!!! Let’s dance on the table tops!

Now down to the nitty gritty, questions, answers and work out what happens next.

My surgery is booked for the afternoon of 29 March 2004, for a “wide local excision and level 2 axillary clearance”. I should only have 1 scar, lateral.

So now it’s time to finalise some of those little jobs and clear the slate before the 29th, including buy cards and pressies, where appropriate, get pathology bill paid, and of course continue on with everyday life.

I have been utterly amazed and humbled by all the offers of help. It really brings tears to my eyes.


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