09 March 2006

A shameless brag

Wait for it.....

Coffee was so good I had 2 mugs this morning. If the truth be known, I couldn’t be bothered moving from my seat.

I went for a wander down to the Central Market and bought some brown bags to use as gift bags for Henry’s party - now to find stuff to fill them.

I also managed to pick up some cellophane bags to package my cards in, that I may one day sell to the masses.
As alluded to yesterday, DH, J and I attended the Celebrity Smile Awards presentation today.

OK, here comes the shameless brag bit.

Each year the Australian Dental Association of SA Branch, along with a panel of South Australian dentists, choose a male and female recipient of the Celebrity Smile Award. This year the winners are Jodie Blewett, Channel Ten personality and Adelaide United soccer captain Ross Aloisi. They received their certificates and electric toothbrushes, at an assembly today, attended by all preschool to Year 2 children.

The children in Years 1 and 2 (around 95 kids) made posters on healthy teeth and gums, which includes healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. Four winning posters (2 from Year 1 and 2 from Year 2) were selected by Jodie and Ross.

H won a prize! So now he has a $20 voucher to spend in a bookshop.

Here’s the media story on the awards.


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