12 March 2006

5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Yes, the boys have, with DH's help, just discovered The Thunderbirds (the 1960’s TV series). DH bought the whole series a couple of years ago, and now H & J are hooked. What has he done! J loves watching things blow up – we’ve always said he’d probably make a great deconstruction engineer!

Took H to the book shop to “spend” his gift voucher prize. He eventually chose “The Big Book of How When Why?” It’s encyclopedic, with lots of information to keep him busy for a while. I suggested he write a letter of thanks to the Australian Dental Association, SA Branch.

While out at the shops, we picked up a few bits and pieces to go into H's party gift bags. His birthday is now less than a week away so I’d better get myself into gear.

I made my own pizza dough tonight (in the breadmaker) for the first time. I doubled the recipe and could quite possibly have gotten 3 large pizzas out of the dough – note that down for next time. The pizzas turned out quite well.

Friday 12 March 2004

DH arrived home from Singapore this morning, so he was unaware of what was going on.

My mammogram appointment was set for 2pm. They took 10 images (both sides) and close ups of the lump. The images were reviewed and they phoned my GP. She asked to see me. For the first time, I was a little worried.

I was handed the envelope and told not to open it – that didn’t sound good either. I picked H up from school, dropped in home, picked up J and DH (told him he had to come with me – he was still none the wiser). On the way, I told him about the lump and mammogram.

OK, so the results showed a large stellate legion in the left breast. There were calcifications. A probable ductal carcinoma was diagnosed – OMG!!!!! My GP phoned to get an urgent appointment with a breast surgeon (Mr P), which was made for Wednesday 17 March. She also gave me a prescription for sleeping tablets (I never got it filled).

I had a very flat weekend. I spent most of Saturday in bed, some of it sleeping. To say I was facing my own mortality was an understatement – that bus had hit me head on at 110kph! I feared not seeing the kids grow up, I didn’t want to see them without a Mum and for them to not remember me was heartbreaking to say the least.


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