02 June 2006

So what did you do this morning?

I traced angels on to a canvas.

The year’s major fundraiser for the boys’ school, the Gala (aka galah) Ball, is fast approaching. It’s billed to be a fun evening of conversation, wining, dining, dancing and silent auctions.

Items for the silent auction will include artworks from each class in the school. H’s class are painting their angels (created as part of the 6 week Easter celebrations) on to canvas. Their “visions” of angels are quite wide and varied, and all put together, they’ll look fabulous.

One of the other Mums and I spent a swag of the morning transferring the outlines of 22 angels, ready for the children to paint. The paint to be used is like coloured water and it spreads quite a way – will they be able to stay within the lines, that is the question. This will be a challenge for a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds!

Muggins me (yes I really do have “MUG” tattooed on my forehead) has volunteered to help the children next week. It will be a one on one process and I’m having nightmares already.

I’ll have to remember my camera on Tuesday and take come pics.

J’s class have been “drawing” self portraits (I think) with fabric paint. The teacher’s MIL will sew all the panels together to make a quilt.

Tuesday 1 June 2004

AC2 – Day 7

I laid on the sofa most of the time resting.

Mum and Dad arrived around 4-4.30pm. Mum seems quite gloom and doom – I told her the 5 year survival rate for breast cancer sufferers and all she could say is what about 20 year survival – how negative can you get.

Wednesday 2 June 2004

AC2 – Day 8

I started to feel a bit more normal today, thank goodness.

J had Kindergym. A girlfriend and her daughter joined us at a play cafe afterwards.


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