29 May 2006


We were all fogged in this morning, quite an eerie sight. It’s reasonably rare here, especially in the metro area, but I love it all the same. Those trying to travel by air might have had a differing opinion though.

It’s hard to believe that winter officially starts in a couple of days. May has just flown by. At the end of this week, school will be half way through Term 2.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I managed to catch “Enough Rope” tonight. One of Andrew Denton’s guests was Tony Purkiss, a man who has “cheated” death 4 times, so far.

His first serious brush was during that infamous 1998 Sydney to Hobart yacht race in which several boats were damaged or destroys and lives lost, other injured (including him), due to a savage weather system.

His second was, as he likes to put it, a “forced landing” in a light aircraft (paddocks, fences, ditches, you get the idea).

His third was at the end of another Sydney Hobart when he had a heart attack brought on by a virus. Luckily there was a doctor on board and he was able to revive Tony.

His fourth was Bali last year. He and his wife were sitting 4 feet away from where a suicide bomber blew himself up. Their friends sitting at the same table were killed. Luckily their children were not with them that night, but off somewhere else. They both suffered burns, broken bones, perforated eardrums, serious eye damage and shrapnel wounds. Both will continue to receive treatment for some time to come.

All this, and his mates call him “Lucky”.

He has kept a keen sense of humour throughout and is an absolutely wonderful inspiration.

Tony, I wish you, your wife and your family a long, happy and especially safe future.

Saturday 29 May 2004

AC2 – Day 4

Took a Losec tab this morning – not sure whether it’s done any good though. Still feeling washed out and very tired. Dropped DH down at the caryard to pick up the new car and went off to the shops to buy some bread rolls for lunch.

Had a “sleep” in the afternoon. Took the car for a little drive later afternoon and bought pizza for dinner.

I still feel rather seedy and can’t get rid of the “taste” in my mouth. I can only hope I feel a bit more presentable in the morning. I think an early night is in order – hope it works, just have to wait for the bread to finish.


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