27 May 2006

Garden beds

I thought I was doing myself a favour last night by going to bed early, well 3 or more hours earlier than I have done in a very long time. I climbed into bed just before 10.15pm. Wouldn’t you know it, I woke at 2.20am and that was the end of my restful night. I did get more sleep, but it was punctuated by aches and pains and hot flushes. I still feel like crap. Ah well.

We spent a bit of time in the garden this morning, DH and the boys shifting wood and me planting replacements for my camellia and pittosporum that we lost last summer - I didn’t feel so bad about losing plants when one of the top nurseries here suffered many losses due to the sweltering heat we experienced. I also pruned back a lavender bush, the flower stalks from the lambs ears and part of a neighbour’s shrub that’s hanging over and into one of our shrubs. The poor green bin is full once again.

It’s a good feeling when you can see where you’ve been. The daffs and iris I planted in post last year are starting to sprout, so I’ve moved them to where we can enjoy them. Our mandarin tree is not doing very well so will have to be moved to a sunnier spot. At the moment, it’s too shaded by the huge ficus next door and our macadamia.

There is a large deciduous tree that overhangs our fence from a neighbour. Unfortunately, over the years, it’s become chronically infected with a mistletoe – it’s a complete mess. While I was out in the garden the neighbour mentioned that he was getting someone in to look at is and remove at least one large branch that overhangs as he’s concerned that it might fall. Most of the tree hangs over our side of the fence these days as he’s pruned his side back quite heavily, so it’s a valid reason. It does provide some lovely shade in summer, but because of the infestation, I wouldn’t be that sad to see the whole thing go. It will make constructing the kids’ cubby house easier (if they get one) and also give us the opportunity to plant something we like in the corner that wouldn’t have to compete with heavy shade. I’d better get my thinking cap on methinks!

Thursday 27 May 2004

AC2 – Day 2

Went to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea function (to raise money for cancer research) at H’s school – drank cup of tea and 3 glasses of water. Took stemetil at around 10.40am.

I vacuumed out our car – floors seats, boot, etc – took me 1-1.5 hours ugh – it wore me out!

Feeling tired.


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