23 August 2006

Book Week

This week is Book Week. The boys survived dressing up and parading – they really do love it. J went as “Bob the Builder”, and H represented the book “Rex” (a story about a the class pet, a chameleon, which each student gets to take home for the night and record their adventures). It was short listed for an award.

It’s always great to see a 100% participation rate in the parade, from preschool to Year 6.

Monday 23 August 2004

CMF1 – Day 27

I went into the city centre today to get fitted for a new bra and a silicon prosthesis. They didn’t have one in my size but are ordering some in for me to try, so it might be a week or so until I feel up to making the trek in again.

I also found a copy of Jane and Glenn McGrath’s book about her fight with breast cancer. I’m looking forward to reading it as I’m sure there are many parallels.


At 2/10/06 01:42, Blogger Karen said...

Look at how cute they are! Wow, they are getting big, Sharen.


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