19 June 2006

It’s finally finished!

After 2 and a bit weeks work, H’s class’ work of art to be included at the school’s Gala Ball in a couple of weeks is finally finished.

I sort of volunteered to help out with the project, and got a little more than I originally bargained for!

Each child drew their interpretation of an angel. The teacher arranged them on the back of the canvas (100cm x 75cm). One of the other Mums and I traced the outlines of all 22 angels with black permanent marker.

It was then a one on one effort for each child to paint in their angel – we used a paint which is similar to an ink – it gives a wonderful water colour finish. They children had 18 colours from which to choose. This process took the best part of 6 days, with me loading and unloading brushes, cleaning up bleeds, etc. It was a fun experience with a group of mostly 7 year olds, even though it’s been very cold for here and we were outside under the verandah.

I've had to shrink the images a lot to fit them on here, and sadly the detail is a bit lost, but you still get the idea.

I spent a few hours this weekend filling in the background to give a semi sponged finish, but using a stencil brush. I used a watered down folk art paint.

We took it in to the classroom this morning. Everyone seems to be happy with the finished product.

Now, all we need are a few eager parents with big wallets!

How much would you pay for this delightful piece of original art?

Saturday 19 June 2004

AC3 – Day 4“Slept” in until 10-10.30am, feeling rotten. Spent most of the day on the sofa resting, sleeping.


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