07 May 2006

The joy of boys

I'm mostly very proud of the boys' good manners. However, last night, James proved he is his father's son.

During dinner, James let a huge botty burp (I have this “thing” about younger children using the word “fart”, so it’s not in the boys’ vocab – YET) go which rattled the chair, and he said nothing.

DH prompted him by asking, "What do you say?"

James replied, "OUCH!"

There wasn't a straight face in the room.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

During our recent holiday, DH bought a brass money bank to remind him of his day at Sovereign Hill, which currently resides on the table. Whenever he has some change, he “banks” it.

Tonight, while he was going through his banking ritual, H was heard to say;

“Daddy, you won’t have any cents!”

This was closely followed by, “Daddy you really do need some cents”.

Understandably, DH and I found ourselves agreeing with him!

Aren’t children perceptive?

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

So what do stupid devoted parents of obsessed Thunderbirds children do on a Saturday night at home?

Well apart from trying to hunt down sets on internet auction sites that end up going for outrageous prices, they set about making Thunderbird vehicles from Lego.

The aim was to make facsimiles (close or otherwise) of Thunderbirds 2 and 4, a workable pod for TB2 and The Mole. TB4 and The mole had to fit in the pod. I apologise for my crappy photos.

Here are the “genuine” models.

The look of absolute delight on the boys’ faces when they first laid eyes on my creations, told me all my efforts had just been repaid.

I became so carried away, I made another 2 pods and 4 more TB 4s today. There is no hope for me, of that I’m sure.

The “genuine” model

OK, so they’re not accurate masterpieces, but the kids spent hours playing with them today, and that’s the important thing. They may now also be amenable to creating a Lego “Tracy Island” – another challenge for Mum and a couple of trips to the Lego spare parts shop, methinks.

Photos of the “genuine” models by Robin & Pauline at Space City and displayed at: http://thunderbirds.sfdaydreams.com/toys/ktbirds.htm

Friday 7 May 2004

AC1 – Day 3

Took the last of the anti nausea tablets today and am still feeling OK.

Took J to playgroup and he had a good time.

DH arrived home from Sydney after the kids went to bed.


At 8/5/06 13:05, Blogger Lara said...

your creations with the lego are fantastic!

At 11/5/06 16:32, Blogger dallas said...

I'm mucho impressed with your lego creations! As I'm sure my equally obsessed nephews would be!
I cracked up at Jame's comment - hehe, sometimes they do hurt!

At 11/5/06 22:02, Blogger saussie said...

Thank you Lara! They were fun to build. :)

At 11/5/06 23:06, Blogger saussie said...

Thank you Dallas too! :)


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