25 July 2006


I did so, NOT want to be right!

The warning signs, and possible causes:

- hot flushes have reduced. We’ve had a very cold winter here and they tend to be less severe in winter, could that be the cause?

- crabbiness (that’s a very polite way of putting it), moodiness, and the like. We were ramping up to the end of the school term and DH was in hospital for 2.5 weeks, including all of the boys’ school holidays.

- finally last week, although a bit reluctantly, deciding to give away my stored away since last year, sanitary protection stash. Strangely, something told me I should delay delivering them to their new owner.

- abdominal cramps - the bowels are always playing up.

- my brain telling me what I don’t want to hear.

Yes, it looks like I’m starting my second period since June 2004. NOT HAPPY, JAN!!!

This is not supposed to happen. My body is supposed to be over it! When it happened in June 2005 I could understand, a “clean out”, fine, although it was the period from hell and that’s no exaggeration.

I so don’t want to do this again. Why do I have to go through vicious menopause symptoms for a 3rd time? They’ve been there for the last 2 and a bit years, but they come back with a vengeance last June. I suppose I’m in for more of the same shit!

I really don’t need to be running to the toilet every 30-45 minutes for at least a couple of days. This could also throw my chances of going onto Arimidex in October – BLOODY HORMONES!!!

I know I’ve said it before, but BREAST CANCER REALLY SUCKS!!!


At 26/7/06 03:41, Blogger Twisted Cinderella said...

Sorry sweetie that really sucks. {{{hugs}}}Nik

At 6/8/06 08:00, Blogger Karen said...

That stinks, Sharen! Maybe it's just "tapering off"? I remember my mother saying that her periods got to be few and far between and then just stopped. So maybe this is one of the last...? I'll cross my fingers for you.


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